Package for Arch Linux
It would be great to have a native package for Arch Linux that you can install with pacman.

We declined it since we didn’t get any extra feedback :-(
Jonathan Ruiz commented
I've created a docker image with plasticscm-client which works fine with the GUI
Run it like this:
# docker run --privileged --network host --rm -it -v [your projects folder]:/root/Projects -v ~/.plastic4:/root/.plastic4 -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -e XAUTH_TOKEN="$(xauth list)" -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY jonathanruiz3/plasticscm-client sh -c 'xauth add $XAUTH_TOKEN && plasticgui'```
Thanks for the suggestion Jan. It will all depend on the number of supporters.
Remember you can use the "zip installers" to install the cross-platform binaries on any non-officially supported distro, they're available at our download area.
The big problem with Linux distros is that no matter how many you have, you always need more and more and more, and it is extremely time consuming... and when you're up-to-date, a new version of a distro is released and it ends up being incompatible... ouch!