Improve the conditional format to support to coloring of branches with un-replicated change sets
I want it to be possible to color branches that have change sets that have not been pushed to some other server via sync replication.
To be specific and explain the background:
I use jenkins to do some builds of my project when the main branch has been pushed to a central repository.
it has happened to me several times that I checked in code (locally) and executed the jenkins project just to discover that it ran old code because my main was not replicated to the main server.
I would be happy if my main branch would show with some color if it has change sets that have not been replicated to a specific replication server.
(coloring all the other branches that have not been pushed is also o.k.)
Eyal Peleg commented
The whole point of my request was to make this visible on the BE.
I of course know that I can see that on the SyncView but my probelm was not that I did not know what was not synchronized - it was that ***I did not remember*** that I did not synchronize...
the syncview is a window you go to what you are in the process of synchronizing...I don't know how much slower it will make the BE - maybe it can have an enable/disable flag to control this option...
Hi Eyal,
While it is certainly doable, I don't think it is a good thing to implement, performance wise.
This is precisely why we created the SyncView, in order to easily find out what needs to be pushed or pulled.
We could merge this with the Branch Explorer, but it would only slow it down. It could be calculated in the background and color everything later on but... well, SyncView already does that.
We'll keep it around and we won't discard it because maybe we find a good way to implement it :-)