Simple repository clone operation
When you're working in distributed mode with a local development server and want to join a project, you have a lot of work ahead with PlasticSCM.
- Open PlasticSCM, go to repositories view.
- Type in the name of your local plastic server.
- Create a new empty repository.
- Right-Click and create a workspace from that repository.
- Open that workspace.
- Go to sync replication view.
- Add your local repo as source repository.
- Add the repository which holds the project you want to join (clone to your local server) as destination repository.
- Click refresh.
- Pull the changes.
- Open your local workspace.
- Click update workspace.
Now compare this to how things are done in git:
- git clone git://url.of.other/repo /path/to/local/folder
- there is no step 2.
I think this speaks for itself. The process of cloning a remote repo must be a lot more streamlined.
cm mkrep myrepo@localhost:6060
cm replicate main@otherrepo@otherserver:6060 myrepo@localhost:6060
There's not step 3,4,5... 12
And, Plastic is able to do partial replicas, something simply out of the scope of git... where you NEED to clone everything all the time, which is painful.
We're adding a replicate --clone command, but it is not yet announced.
We'll take into account your suggestion to remove steps, but at this point I don't consider it high prio. I mean, you're trying to replicate everything, which is probably not what you're going to do in most circumstances, just a few branches will be enough.
More on partial branches: