BUG: Branch explorer "Display only relevant changesets" error
I've only had this happen intermittently, so unfortunately I don't know the exact repro conditions. I know which conditions MUST be true, but there are clearly other "sometimes" true conditions that are also required for this to happen... if I can discover more, I'll post.
Known conditions in summary:
If a user creates a new branch but does not have any changesets in the branch yet, and a second user is viewing branch explorer with "display only relevant changesets" enabled, branch explorer will generate an error when the second user attempts to refresh the display. An error popup will be displayed, and a big red X will appear in the branch explorer window. The refresh happens after a check-in on a different branch.
Deleting the formatting rules seems to make no difference, however, for completeness "conditional formatting" is enabled with the following rules:
- attribute="BranchClosed" and attrvalue="TRUE"
- Active branch in this workspace
- Branches with pending integrations
This can be resolved by creating a changeset in the empty branch or by deleting branchexplorer.cfg.

Not reproduced. No more info requested to the submitter.
Lisa, sorry but we have this task in our task control system as pending, we need more info to complete the task. Otherwise we will close the issue. Thanks for your help.
Hi Lisa, I'm afraid that we were unable to reproduce de issue here.
I tried what you said:
* Create an empty branch with "user1"
* Setup "show relevant changesets" option for "user2"
* Setup formatting rules for "user2"
* Checkin to a different branch using "user2"The branch explorer was refreshed correctly, so I guess that there is other circumstance that is making your branch explorer to crash.
Please could, you investigate a little bit more and try to give us a case so we can reproduce the issue.
You can also add the following line to your client.conf file, that is located in the C:\Users\userXXX\AppData\Local\plastic4 directory:
I you reproduce the error, the StackTrace will be shown in the error, and we will get more info about the error.
Thanks for your help.