Remember repositories when running clconfigureclient.exe to change password
Every time I have to change my LDAP password on a windows machine (where the server is configured for AD working mode) - I have to download/configure a new work space, even though I already have several work spaces available from the configured server.
This could probably be achieved with adding a new column to the pastic.workspaces file:
// Known Plastic SCM workspaces
// id name path server
e1a3445e-68fe-4a80-a2cf-5f61dcf657c1 TwoFactorAuth c:\PlasProjects_WORK\TwoFactorAuth <myserver:port>
Baring that, it would be much better if the configuration would "stick" when the only change to the configuration is the password used to connect.
Optionally, just allow the configuration to change the current password instead of requiring the entire command suite (language, workingmode, plasticserver, ldapuser, plasticserverport)
clconfigureclient.exe --LDAPpassword="<mynewpassword>"
would also be nice, since (link below) the server determines the working mode and overrides the client on Windows to allow just re-specifying the --workingmode to force the client to revert to the one specified.
clconfigureclient.exe --workingmode=LDAPWorkingMode
Goes along with this:
Fernando D. Bozzo commented
Almost same problem here.
My Plastic version:
1) Changing any setting on Plastic IDE (like those in "Other options") resets my client.conf WorkingMode to "LDAPWorkingMode"
2) Reconfiguring it from command line to "ADWorkingMode" with clconfigureclient, deletes the CurrentWorkspace configuration and many settings to default
3) Configuring again the lost settings, produces the problem described in (1) and this never ends.
At the end I have to manually change the WorkingMode or copy from a backup cong file for not loosing more configurations.
I think this is a regression, older Plastic versions did not have this problem.
Why do you need a new workspace?? Why don't you just update your existing one??
Sounds weird.
Workspaces have nothing to do with AUTH.