cm find command to find parent changeset of empty branch
Create a new branch based on a specific changeset of an existing branch.
Lets assume the new branch is called 'test', the existing branch is called 'parent' and the changeset on branch 'parent' is 1234.
There currently is no cm command to find that changeset number (1234) when the branch 'test' itself has no changesets.
cm find changesets where branch='test' will have 0 total changesets
cm find changesets where branch='parent' will have all changesets of parent, but you don't know which is the base line for branch 'test'
rdealba commented
You can already do it with the following command:
cm find branch where name='test' --format={changeset}
Pretty similar to what you wanted :)
SWSBB commented
I could prefer something like this:
cm find branch where name='test' --format="{ChangesetID}"
Where ChangesetID is the baseline/root changeset for the branch on its parent branch