Better trigger support for CI
The issue currently seems to be that triggers are "global" in nature. What we need is a simple way to trigger scripts based upon the repository or branch (ala Subversion hooks style). Simply putting a "trigger.conf" file in the repo would be good enough.
Currently it's rather difficult to do something simple like trigger a specific job on Jenkins by committing to a repo, this is needed when you have 30 different projects with separate repositories all in progress at one time (and polling sucks).
You can use a filter to link a trigger to a specific repo and branch. For instance:
cm mktrigger before-mklabel “label-bl-fix” “c:\tmp\triggers\label-bl-fix.bat” —filter=“rep:default,bl*,fix*”
You can check the details in the following link:
William Fox commented to filter by rep: and branch? I see the label but I don't see any syntax examples of using branch.