Add Custom 'Open With' options to Gluon
It would be great to be able to get the custom Open With functionality from Plastic GUI over to Gluon. The ability to be able to define custom 'Open With' targets would be indispensable for our work.
For example, Autodesk Maya's versions are frustratingly difficult to configure with Windows 10 (only one option appears in the Default Apps settings), and this configures ALL Maya files to open with that one version.
We require the ability to be flexible and open files with different versions of Maya for different projects (based on when that project kicked off, therefore maintaining project compatibility).
It'd be amazing if the Custom 'Open With' options were available within Gluon for our artists, or the ability to set those options within the Plastic GUI and have it carry over to the Gluon interface.

Fleer commented
Hey guys, just checking in again about the possibility of this feature?
Cheers -
Fleer commented
Hi guys!
Just wondering where this is at in development?
Fleer commented
Amazing, thanks for that!
Hey guys,
Sure, not hard to do and makes lot of sense.
We'll keep an eye on it, but please ping us if we don't respond in a reasonable time.