Allow for display of branch attributes in the branch explorer window
In the branch explorer view you have essentially two sections. The graphical chart on the left and the properties panels on the right.
Assigning attributes to branches is very handy for keeping track of things like status and work type, but currently you can't see those attributes "in a big picture" as you have to click on the branch and then look at its attributes in the right hand panel.
What about allowing us a Display Option to draw the attribute name and value in the main chart right underneath the branch? This would allow for seeing the information on multiple branches at a glance and help with the big picture.

Sounds good.
We've been doing improvements in the BrEx recently, and I'd like to support something like this too. -
Rando Wiltschek commented
I second this. Maybe optionally (per attribute) without the attribute name. For example, I'd like to see the "status" attribute as soon as it has any value: E.g. just "Done" or "Rejected".
In the plastic guide book the attributes are actually shown in the generalized examples. That's more or less exactly what I'd want.
Also having a color per attribute type (or even value?) would be useful too. So we can have "status = done" in green or "status = rejected" in red, and so on.