Arch Linux/ Manjaro package on the AUR?
There isn't anything on the AUR from the Community for Plastic and I would like to use Plastic SCM on my Arch based PC. Could you make it available on there?
I can only use the one in Unity but it is buggy and I think it doesn't have branch support... Or another alternative that Unity is using too is AppImages!

Vladimir commented
Same problems.
I'm using Unity, switched my team to work with Plastic instead of git - but plastic doesn't work on Manjaro.
That is strange, because Plastic is now integrated Unity SCM, and Unity is working great on Manjaro. -
Dean commented
Any progress from the PlasticSCM to decide wether this is accepted or not?
Also please, at the very least, add the binary/zip download so for non-supported Linux distro can at least try to install and use it.
Szymon Kaczmarczyk commented
This is much more important since Manjaro and underlying Arch is becoming the Linux for gamedev. Unity works flawlessly - do I really have to go and work with other SCMs ?
Vlandemart commented
I am using Unity on Manjaro Linux, recently I moved from git to plastic, and I have to use Windows for now. Would be nice if there were an AUR package.