Need a way to disable "A new version is available" tips constantly showing
Even though I have "Disable All Tips" checked, the "A new version is available" tips are constantly taking up the bottom half of screen because of new versions. I would like to disable the tip showing, you could notify us of new versions somewhere that is not so obstructive. If it is important that we stay up to date with the latest versions, then there should be a background downloader and installer to keep us up to date but the constant nag message taking up the bottom half of screen is too much.

Hi Michael,
|"Even though I have "Disable All Tips" checked, the
|"A new version is available" tips are constantly taking
| up the bottom half of screen because of new versions."This should only happen when your installer version is far away from the latest release. If you are suffering it constantly then we might have a problem to fix. Can you give us more details?
| then there should be a background downloader
| and installer to keep us up to dateWe have a background downloader that executes the installation. Look: