Show full history of an item in History view (and History as 2D tree)
The History view and History as 2D tree view do not contain merges affecting the item and do not show any reverts. Therefore those views are not really a history, but only a list of different variants of the item existing in the history.
See comments for a deeper explanation.

JakubH commented
As far as I know, the Plastic 5.0.44 has added the merges to a History as a 2D tree view, but it doesn't add it to History view and it doesn't take into account the reverts (Revert to this revision) in both views.
Adminpsantosl (Admin, plasticscm) commented
Are you using the latest 5.0 release?? Have you seen the improvements to item merge tracking there?
I think this fixes the issues you mention, correct?
JakubH commented
History and History as 2D tree are very useful features. However, there is a problem with those views. They do not show the real history of changes of the item as user may expect. The history view is actually a list of all revisions of that file, which is not the same, because the same revision could be used more than once and in more places. I mean, when using Revert to this revision, an old revision is checked-in again, but this information is not shown in the “History” because no new revision has been made. Similarly, when there was a merge (or a cherry pick) between branches, a file change was copied to another branch, but you don’t see this important thing in “History”. Again: because no new revision of that file has been made. History as 2D tree has both of these limits too. This leads to a big confusion among users – see these links for instance: (This suggestion is basically a subset of mine.) my suggestion is add all these information to History views two. Frankly, I don’t see any usecase where somebody doesn’t want to see it.