Hide old branches
We have some very old branches, which don't fit in our current branching concept. These where created when we first started using plastic scm and didn't know how to structure them.
We do have a very clean structure for our branches - finally. In the "Branches" view all branches are displayed, no date filter is applied by default. We use the tree view, as it supports our branch structure very well. The only problem is: There are these old branches, which destroy the clean look and feel of our sturctur and also confuse some users.
It would be nice to have the possibillity to hide these old branches from the tree view. They aren't needed anymore anyway. You may add a button to make them visible again. Just in case.
Looking forward to it!

Just use the permissions to hide the old branches you do not want to see anymore
Stuart commented
Using permissions is not a great solution, as this means only a user with permission to change permission can do this. Also how would you get it back again if you can't see it? There is definitely a need for this functionality in plastic like lock/obsolete a branch in clearcase which our team greatly miss. This can be used by members of the team to mark that its no longer needed or changes should not be done here as a safety/check mechanism which a different use case.
psantosl commented
Why don't you simply remove the 'view' permission to these branches? They'll go away from the branches view.