Code review diff shows custom changes separately from merged lines
When creating a code review with files that have been merged into the branch it (sometimes) properly categorizes them as CC "Changed in merge source and destination). However, the diff does not show which lines came from the source and which were change in the destination. It would be great to have those separated out for easier code review.
Answered. No implementation needed.
Amir Ebrahimi commented
The feature improvement here would be to track properly which changes were made in the branch and have those separated from changes that came from merges, so it's easy to do code review. Having to annotate each file separately as one walks through a code review doesn't seem like a workable solution. Please reconsider adding this feature.
Hi Amir,
Right click on one of the contributors and run "Annotate" and then you'll see where every line comes from, including info about if the line comes from a merge.
Let me know if this helps.