Use dustbin for delete operations
When deleting private files from within the Plastic SCM GUI, the files are deleted from disk permanently.
The client should delete them using windows dustbin feature. Configurable behavior would be even better.
Almost 1 year and didn’t get any new votes, so we’ll be discarding this request.
Adam Davidson commented
My artist just lost hours of work after accidently pressing Undo. He's got in the habit of pressing it to get rid of boot.config (and other unchanged but touched files) which keeps appearing and it annoys him. What he didn't see was that he also removed his art asset.
If there had been a default or even an option to move to recyle bin on Undo then we could have recovered it. Artists mess up all the time. Now he doesn't trust Unity and wants to keep his files separate and copy them in. This doesn't allow merging of course and will undo other changes. Please, please, please make this workflow Artist (idiot) proof. Thank, Adam -
Jan commented
I've undone things from time to time. Maybe this is due to my evaluation and playing around with features. This might become less when working on real stuff.
Anyway, since I don't know the branching model we will stick with (maybe we're not going to run the 'branch per task' thing right from the beginning) developers might come in this situation. I think this feature is implemented easily, this is probably just a flag at the windows API!?
I've already configured ignored files. A few entries a still missing though. -
Well, it is not on the near roadmap at this point because it seems it is not such a common case out there.
Can you share more about your workflow?
I mean, it never ever happened to me, so it seems we work on quite different ways, I think :-)
What I do is: I go to pending changes regularly, look for changes, and checkin. I never delete privates that I'm not really sure about. Have you configured the "ignored" correctly?
Jan commented
Are you going to plan this soon? This is an important feature in my eyes. Currently, when you accidently undo changes that you didn't want to, you'll loose your work with no chance of getting it back.
Ok, we could do that. I don't see big issues here. Probably we should add it as a configuration option, whether you want to move to dustbin or not (I personally hate dustbin but... I understand it can be useful).