Disassociating the repo from a given git remote
I have successfully synced with a Bitbucket test repo, but when I try to do the same with the "real" repo I find that Plastic stores somewhere that it is associated with the test repo. The message is: "Error: The settings you've introduced don't match with the stored ones for branch/repo default. Stored are: git https://
icalvo@bitbucket.org/icalvo/icm.test.git". How can I make Plastic to forget it?

Richard Fine commented
A year and a bit later, this 'temporary' issue is still present. Has there been no progress?
Jesse Seger commented
Is this issue fixed in 4.2?
Adminpsantosl (Admin, plasticscm) commented
We hope to have it working in a few days... but not there yet! :(
Ignacio Calvo Martínez commented
A classic RTFM case... I was too eager to put my hands on it! :D
Adminpsantosl (Admin, plasticscm) commented
Yes Ignacio, please keep in mind the "known restrictions" we sent to all alpha testers :)
"* The plastic repository can be only synchronized with a single git
repository. It means, it will only receive/push changes from/to git.
This mapping cannot be changed. (It is totally temporary, we'll overcome
this soon)"