Linux... please...
I was really excited about the project but disappointing when i realized I couldn't use it on Linux.

psantosl commented
Hi all,
The Debian/Ubuntu packages are now out! :-)
I'd like to ask you what do you think about the current Linux version. Is it ok for you? Do you like it so far?
Pablo Santos - Semantic Merge team
Trpx commented
Here's the Ubuntu and Debian followup request:
miguel baldi commented
Please, at least make the RPM available for download.
miguel baldi commented
No Debian support? SUSE, Red Hat, CentOS are distros commonly used on servers. For desktop use, the larger community is debian-based distros.
Varun Madiath commented
Applications I like:
Sublime Text
urxvt (with a custom .Xresources)
IntelliJ (Dracula Theme)
FirefoxIn short I'm far more concerned about functionality than prettiness. If it's efficient to use the tool, I'll use it (emacs is a prime example).
Ralm Eldross commented
psantosl commented
We're already working on it... look at this!
psantosl commented
Not just the common IDEs (which is also good to know) but also which applications do you like better on Linux. We'd like to create something with a beautiful GUI :P
Gus Esquivel commented
@psantosl What are you asking? Just what IDEs we commonly use?
Andrius Bentkus commented
giggle git-cola gitg.
git-cola would need a little bit more UI polishment, gitg and giggle a little bit more feature polishment.
And there is qgit, is very fast, but only for history watching.
psantosl commented
Question: can you send us your list of favorite Linux GUI apps so we can better get your taste for Linux GUIs?
Plácido Monteiro Dinelli Bisneto commented
I guess that 98% of all .net developers :)
Christoffer Hammarström commented
Who even develops on Windows?
miguel baldi commented
Me too