C++ support
It would be great to have C++ support

We have included C++ support in!!!
Brian Dukes commented
looks like they've made progress: https://twitter.com/semanticmerge/status/829716904138985472
David commented
Any news on C++? Did you guys give up?
Last update in this thread is from 3 years ago. (!)
This is the only reason we've not purchased SemanticMerge.
Yes I see we can write our own language parser, but since C++ is a beast, this should be formally supported.
Anonymous commented
Any Update? Are you still going to support c++?
Anonymous commented
Any Update? Did you drop the idea of supporting c++?
Anonymous commented
Any updates?
Anonymous commented
Any updates on this? I've just some across semanticmerge while looking for something to simplify my life (doing a lot of merging over the past few days), but I'm using c++.
It seems to think it's c#, and throws up a bunch of errors as a result, but still manages well enough for me to be very interested in what it could do if it had a proper C++ parser.
Ben Pope commented
Any updates on C++ support?
Anonymous commented
I'm sure you guys already know this but: use clang!
psantosl commented
Yep, we're already working on *the real thing* which is C/C++ ;-)
We sort of paused it a little bit because we're currently very busy getting ready for the C# public launch, but we'll continue to work on it real soon.
C++ is probably the most difficult one, we already run some merges with it, but we need to add more "structure elements" because C++ has many things that C# or Java don't.
We'll be contacting all the subscribers with info about the upcoming betas, so I hope we'll be able to send you a preview in about one month and a half or so.