Add a diff view when there is a merge conflict
When there is changes in source and destination, you could see :
- the code of the source and the diff with the source.
- the code of the destination and the diff with the destination.
The problem, is that you can't understand easily the problem without opening the first diff, then the second diff. And perhaps reopen the first diff,...
A better way to understand the merge problem would be to have in the right pane a view that display the "diff view" that show a typical diff with lines differences

A diff view within the SemanticMerge!
Violeta commented
We have just launched a new release, and... what does it have?? A diff view within the SemanticMerge!! Enjoy it!
Anonymous commented
I agree- I find it hard to judge what has changed until I have opened the Source and Destination diff pages. I don't know if there is a simpler way of showing a summary of the two changes ( even if it is just "X Lines Changed by user Y" rather than having a complete diff view, but it feels like an extra step to have to look them both over.
Toby Herring commented
If the merge tool had options to keep the whole source or the whole destination with a single button click (select, save, and exit), then it wouldn't be quite as aggravating to have to go to the merge tool just to see the changes.
Andy Hardin commented
I agree a diff view within the main Semantic Merge window would be a lot nicer than opening the tool externally. Even if it wasn't as fully featured, but could just show prev/current for diffs or prev/current/result for merges it would save a lot of time when just reviewing changes. As it is now I have to manually open a diff for each change.
Violeta commented
You can get both diffs together clicking on the merge button, I think it is what you want. Launching the merge tool for a changed-changed conflict, you have how was the code on the base, how it is the code on source and how it is on destination, so "the whole picture", isn't it??