Ubuntu and Debian packages, please?

It has already been resolved, check the site at http://www.semanticmerge.com/linux/index.html
miguel baldi commented
Where did you found the RPM packages for download? thanks
Eddy Petrișor commented
Debian based distros cover the most of the Linux user base, so providing .deb packages instead of only providing .rpm packages is a very reasonable approach in order to target more Linux users:
Here are some statistics:
The users registered at the linux counter page
http://linuxcounter.net/distributions/stats.htmlThe popularity of linux distributions, according to distrowatch:
http://distrowatch.com/dwres.php?resource=popularityMeanwhile, for other users of Debian based distros, you can download the .rpm-s and convert them to a tgz using alien:
fakeroot alien -t semanticmerge-
fakeroot alien -t semanticmerge-gtk-sharp-2.12.21-57.1.i686.rpmI did not convert to .deb because:
- I use a Debian on a amd64/x86_64 system and the packages are 32 bit, and alien refuses to convert to from a non-matching arch
- I don't trust alien to correctly generate packaging meta-data (I have worked for about 3 years as a package developer in a company and I know RPM and DEB pre/post install/uninstall scripts differ enough to generate very bad issues on direct conversion - BTW, the .deb format and dpkg is vastly supperior to .rpm format and rpm package manager)