Merge command line parameter to ignore white space or tabs in front of lines
Lets say I have a C# file that I have auto formatted to use spaces. Some other developer has auto formatted it to use tabs. This shows up as a merge conflict. I have to view the diff and choose "Ignore White Space and EOL" and semantic merge then marks it as "Resolved".
It would be nice if semantic merge always did this or at least provided a command line switch that lets us turn this on if we want to. This way I can add it to my .gitconfig file if I know I will be working in a language where white space is not significant.

New SemanticMerge able to skip differences where only EOLs and indentation changed.
Check it out!
miryamgsm commented
A new release has been publish with support for this! Check it out!
Francisco Noriega commented
Really need to add this! I have a giant .cs file merge where ALL of the conflicts it showed me where EOL & Whitespace differences, and I had to go and click merge->Options->ComparisonMethod->Ignore EOL & Whitespaces on every single method that changed, and then there where 0 conflicts.
The entire merge could had been done automatically in less than a second but instead it took me quite a while!
Brian Yarr commented
I think this is a vital feature. A semantic merge tool should be able to ignore non semantic differences like added whitespace.
Brandon commented
IMO, this should be turned on by default for any language where whitespace isn't significant.