Create a better (modern) looking GUI
It would be cool, if you pimp up the PlasticSCM Client, so that it has a modern fresh look.
The main reason for that suggestion is: On screen resolutions with a DPI higher than 100%, the font becomes really blurry. (on MS Windows)
Microsoft invented better frameworks to solve that issue (WPF, UWP).
But please, be aware that it should be a mid-term to long-term goal. I know, you could not easily replace the old GUI with a completely new modern GUI. ;-)
The current GUI works good so far, but it looks and feels a bit outdated.
Just check the new 6.0 :-)
Christian Götz commented
Thank you for the reply! It's nice to hear, that there is already something big in the pipeline, which will (hopefully) be released soon. (I admit, I have not looked into the lab-section so far. I may read the release notes, but I will wait for the official release. ;-))
Hi Christian,
If you check 6.0 (available under Labs as I speak) you will see that it already works well in 4K. We are polishing the last details to actually turn 6.0 into the official one.
That being said, yes, we will continue updating the layout to come up with a better look and feel.
Then it comes the nasty part ;-P: WPF. We have used it to develop our SemanticMerge and... well, I personally hate it. You use WPF, then a simple app takes forever to launch plus nice 60MB RAM just to say hello world. And users complain. And they are right.
We already use WPF inside Plastic, indeed, and it has been like this for more than 1 year already. All built-in diffs use a WPF-based text editor... :-)
The folks at MS invented WPF (and Silverlight, and a ton of other things they keep abandoning) and now UWP (access to disk?? :-O), to turn every single app into a memory hog :-)