Support for Jira 4.4 in Plastic 4
Jira is one of the most popular issue/task tracking software. Jira 4.2 is supported right now, but version 4.4 (released 2 August, 2011) is not yet supported.

5.0 and 4.0 fully supported in Plastic 4.1
Adminpsantosl (Admin, plasticscm) commented
So far we've tested it with no problem with both 4.4 and 5.0
Adminpsantosl (Admin, plasticscm) commented
Yes, we'll be on it next week. Directly going after 5.0
Ivan Mitev commented
Actually Jira 5.0 has been recently released, so please consider adding support for it (according to Atlassian website, all further 5.x versions should have stable APIs)