Filtering by branch name doesn't work anymore in version 4
Main or head branches used to end with a # symbol in version 3.0. You could use this in the filter to to only see things related to that branch. In version 4.0 they no longer end with that symbol, so you cant filter out sub branches since they all start with the main branch's name.
Adminpsantosl (Admin, plasticscm) commented
We'll review it early next week.
Phil Jagger commented
In Plastic 3.0 when viewing the list of branches (not branch explorer). In Plastic 4.0 you can see this list by clicking on the "Branches" button under the Main Actions section. You get the a similar ui when viewing item history, etc. In plastic 3.0 the Main/Head branch names would be displayed as /main#, we didn't actually put the '#' in the name, but that's how the ui displayed them to us. This allowed us to enter a filter string "/main#" to filter out subbranches. This was useful when viewing item history where you only cared about changes going into the main/head branches. In Plastic 4.0 the '#' symbol is no longer appended to the branch name for main/head branches. My
filter is now just "/main", but that doesn't filter out anything because all my branches are named after the main branch (/main/sub1, /main/sub1/sub2, /main/foo). Is there another way to do what I'm describing. -
AdminManu (Admin, plasticscm) commented
Not sure about what you are asking.
In PlasticSCM 3.0 the '#' char was not allowed inside the branch name, the same happens in PlasticSCM 4.0.
Anyway, if you are trying to add a branch explorer conditional format rule to highlight your "*SCM*" branches you can do it like this: "name like '%SCM%'".
If you are trying to use the filter to search for branches like "*SCM*" you just need to type "SCM" in the filter textbox and you will navigate over all your branches named as "*SCM*"