Pending changes: display as tree
Display the items as tree in the pending changes tab. If I have lots of changes Its difficult to find single files...

Done since
Walter Nicholls commented
gtkplastic still doesn't do this
Kent Miller commented
This is starting to become an issue the more I work with plastic and create new projects. Often, I create a debug version of a project, but don't want to check in those files - however, they all get lumped under the "Added files" section, and without a structure - or even being sorted, it becomes very difficult to find the new files I actually DO need to add. This sometimes results in bouncing out to explorer to delete directories that I don't want to commit, then comparing to pending changes view to be sure I've gotten the correct one (rinse...repeat...) until I can actually see the "new" files I want to add.
Adminpsantosl (Admin, plasticscm) commented
On my list... on my list! :)