Configurable ICONS
Currently, the blue icon is hard to see, red one is ok. green one is ok. but the problem is decerning the blue in the middst of all the other ones. either have choice of large or small icons or allow us to change to one with more pronounced color.

Check the “theme” directory in your Plastic installation … all the icons are there :-)
JakubH commented
Actually, the icons can be changed already. See these posts: -
Shunichi Ikegami commented
I can't distinguish blue icon from green icon too. -
Xorcist commented
I second this. I can't really make out the blue vs green with such a small icon running my monitor at a resolution of 1920x1080. Maybe we could change the shape a bit, in addition to the color. Maybe make the blue a yellow or orange and change the shape to a circle or a triangle instead of another square...