Branch explorer: make "cross-branch changeset links" clickable like merge arrows
On merge arrows, we can click and get a tooltip of info (changeset and branch of source and destination, respectively). We can also right-click and choose commands "Go to source/destination changeset".
I suggest making the "cross-branch changeset links" (branch base/parent & child relation lines) clickable in the same manner.
You could display the following tooltip info:
- base/parent changeset number,
- base/parent branch name,
- child branch name
Also, you could provide the following right-click commands:
- Go to branch base / Go to parent changeset,
- Go to child branch
The first command would be much more intuitive than first locating and selecting the child branch, then right-click and choose "Branch Explorer - Go to branch base". And for the second command, there is no equivalent currently in the UI.
We have a very large tree of branches (when not applying filters) and navigating the branch explorer can be daunting sometimes. A single merge arrow or branch-relation line can stretch across several "screens" both horizontally and vertically. It's easy to get lost, especially since there is currently no way to follow a branch-relation from base to child, only the other way around.
Thus, the suggested feature would IMHO simplify branch navigation immensely!