Add author to git repo push/pull
Hello, when pushing changes to a git repo the author field is the plasticscm username with no email. The git author field is formatted as "User Name". It would be nice if on the push/pull dialog screen, there was an entry for the user to enter a proper git author value to the commits that are being pushed. This will allow for software like gitea and github to properly recognize the user who is the author of the commit. Below is an example of a git commit done with PlasticSCM:
commit 001c43bcfcff911feb2eb87887de484f7d089e8e
Author: jburkert <>
Date: Tue Dec 22 14:06:03 2020 -0800
changed readme
You can see the email is empty and name is the PlasticSCM user name. Below is an example of a git commit done from git-bash:
commit 21fb401cab3517c00db7ba09e45c41bfd233dad6
Author: John Burkert
Date: Thu Jan 9 17:33:08 2020 -0800
updated readme links to new server
You can see the author name is not a user name and the email is present.

John Burkert commented
I found this with a solution:
I put the gitsync.conf file in ~/AppData/Local/plastic4 and the email was added to git commit author field which allows gitea to recognize the author's account.
The above fix doesn't add the user's name, it would still be nice to a properly formatted git author field on commits. Below is the new git commit from PlasticSCM:
commit 671f468d58976439e38b234ec4a441fe6fc02c78 (HEAD -> master, gitea/master)
Author: jburkert <>
Date: Tue Dec 22 15:20:18 2020 -0800another readme change