scan only needed files in pending changes
In the pending changes options there are a lot of checkboxes which hide some specific files from the list of changes.
It would be nice if those files weren't even scanned through while calculating this view.
The problem is: we have some data folders inside the workspace with a lot of small files (very slow hard drive access). We need the general option "compair file content not only timestamps". When I click refresh view, with those data folders in my workspace, it takes up to one minute to calculate the view (I have very view data folders, some of my collegues wait up to 10 minutes!!). When I move the data folders to another place the refresh is finished in almost 3 sec!!
I disabled private/ignored and hidden files in the pending changes options. So it would be nice if these files weren't even scanned throgh instead of just not displaying them.

Carlos commented
If you disable private, ignored and hidden changes, Pending changes view will not scan the disk looking for this kind of items.
But if you have enabled moved/renamed and deleted items, it requires a disk search and that´s the reason why is taking so long to refresh the view.
If you disable all the options marked with *, the "Pending changes view" refresh will be automatic