Hide branches
I know that this has been declined before. And I know there are workarounds using attributes and filters and whatnot to hide branches.
However, we'd really like to have a solution that does not require a PhD in version control and someone to study plastic for multiple hours every time this is needed for a project.
I'm aware of visibility mode in the branch view. But for us it's mostly an issue in lists of branches - when merging to a branch, and in branch view, etc.
And it should be easily toggleable to view / not-view hidden branches, in case someone makes a mistake.
Preferably, we'd even want to delete old branches, so we can reuse their names, but I can understand that that is something that can cause a lot of problems or isn't feasible.
But a simple right-click > "hide branch" toggle that applies to all users and that doesn't require any setup or adaptation of filters for every view for every workstation for every user.
It's nice that filters are there, but they are not a good solution for this because they require so much effort to set up and are fragile too.