Horizontal comparison panes in diff viewer
Would you consider adding optional horizontal comparison panes to the diff viewer, displayed or hidden with a button or a key combination?
It becomes useful when there are changes in long lines. Thanks to them you don't usually have to scroll the window in order to see all changed areas. This idea comes from WinMerge, which has both vertical and horizontal comparison panes.

Mariusz Schimke commented
Great! :-)
Wow! Never thought it!
But it is useful for single lines only, right? I mean, side-by-side looks better for regular code blocks.
Look, right now we're redoing the mergetool. First we rewrote the diff tools (you saw now we have proper syntax highlight, folding, code completion and even semantic diffs built-in) and now we're on the mergetool.exe. One we have that finished we could definitely take a look at this.
I'll share this with our merge/diff experts and see what they feel about it :-)
Mariusz Schimke commented
Sure, here you are: http://snag.gy/Y0S9Q.jpg. WinMerge shows you changes both in vertical and horizontal panes. The horizontal ones are useful when there are changes in a long line that does not fit in the vertical panes.
Hi Mario, could you please paste an snapshot of this WinMerge functionality. I tried it but I could not understand what do you mean. Thanks in advance!
Mariusz Schimke commented
I forgot to mention that the horizontal pane displays only one block of changes at a time - the one highlighted in vertical panes above it.