Add context menu on "background" in Items List view (and Windows Explorer)
When the Items view is in "List view" mode, there should be a context menu when right-clicking on the white background (as opposed to right-clicking on a file or directory). This context menu should display choices relevant to the "parent" folder we are looking into.
Likewise, in the Windows Shell extension, the Plastic SCM context submenu that appears when right-clicking on the white background in Windows File Explorer should display choices relevant to the parent folder (the same choices you get if you go one level up and right-click on the folder in question).
This is how Windows File Explorer normally works and I think Plastic should follow these conventions.
Here's a usage scenario:
* In the Items view, enable the "List view" mode button.
* Drill down into a sub-folder.
* Right-click somewhere in the empty (white) space below or to the very right of the displayed items. No context menu appears.
* NOTE: If you had done similarly in Windows File Explorer, a context menu would have appeared concerning the parent folder.
* As it is now, there is no way to perform an action on the parent folder (create xlink, view history etc) except by either going up one level or switch to the "Tree view" mode.

Hi team!
Interesting suggestion once again, thanks!
Again, scheduling it is a matter of handling priorities. It is a "nice to have" but not a "must" or something making the product stronger on a visible way, so we'll consider it on every sprint and depending on how much time left we have, we'll try to do it sooner than later :-)