Allow the user to cancel or stop the Sync process
I was testing the import the mono repo from github yesterday and it took a lot of time to even get to 50% done.
Would be really cool if we could cancel the operation or stop it and start again (even if the have to download the data again).
Or maybe make the sync operation run in the background not on modal.

Plácido Monteiro Dinelli Bisneto commented
Hey Ruben!
Any idea when I can start using this feature? :) -
Plácido Monteiro Dinelli Bisneto commented
Hi Ruben!
I was trying to get the Mono source code and it's a pretty large codebase to import (I do have an 35Mbit connection at home, so it's not THAT slow :) ) and took a lot of time.
Maybe if Plastic did the import processing in background, displaying some info about the status somewhere in the screen, allowing us to work nicely with others repos that were already in the Plastic environment would be the best solution.
I had to kill the Plastic client process to stop the import process and keep on going with my work. :(
Ruben de Alba commented
Hello Plácido,
I agree with you, there should be a way of stopping a running synchronization (and there will be :-).
I want to remark the operation will not rollback to the prior status. However, you will be able to resume the synchronization later or remove the repository if it's your choice.