Better checkin comment interface.
We find the current comment box to be a little confusing.
Our of our guys didn't event realize it was a text box!
I think this interface (from a popular git client) is a lot clearer and encourages the user to write a good and descriptive comment.

The splitter is back, the comments are resizable, the ENTER is handled.
We are not so sure that having a “title” and “comments” is such a great idea… it could be, and if so, let’s reopen.
Hi guys, you can generate auto-comments, which can be helpful for "subjects".
The textbox is resizable in the pending changes view.
Tom Peters commented
I like the idea of a subject field during checkin. That would allow a way to enforce standards while also allowing developers to make verbose comments. For example, Subject=PROJECTX CLIENTY, Comments=The subroutine was modified to do A,B and C. Currently, I lose out on some documentation because I need the comments to hold what would be better held in a Subject.
wvd_vegt commented
Al least make the return key processing consistent.Some Dialogs allow enter, most need ctrl-enter.
Phil Jagger commented
I'm using the client version 4.
The only problem I have with the comment box at the moment is that you can't resize the space available to you. All you get is this tiny sliver to type in your checkin details. In version 3, you could adjust the box size using a splitter. I need that splitter back! I've been typing my checkin comments into notepad and then pasting them back into the new box.
Daniel Upton commented
Whoops forgot the link!