Add Auto Update Check
Could you add an option to automatically check/alert on updates of PlasticSCM? (and display the version number somewhere).
To see if there is a new version (and there are often because you guys seem to work hard ;-), I have to examine the properties of one of the exe files and compare it with the version in the on-line changelog.

Plastic SCM
Windows – Plastic: Auto-update!
Now you can update Plastic on Windows to the latest version from within the application itself.
When Plastic detects that a new version is available, the help panel will display a notification telling you which version is available. On the help panel is a link to download the latest version.
Göran Wallgren commented
Every (?) new build is currently announced on Twitter @plasticscm.
In the main Plastic GUI a "Blog News" button is already present, maybe you could show the Twitter feed in a sidebar of that view.
I'd like a notification in the main GUI if the installed version is older than the latest build available for download (possibly only check for the same major-version as the installed client). With a link to the download page of the new version. Check periodically while the GUI is running. Many other tools do this...
You can always check the "about form" to see the version number.
Or use: cm version from the CLI.
Steven Cramer commented
So I have a bunch of different Development VMs about 5. So every time Plastic comes out with a new feature that I really want I need to go about updating these. Would be so much better to just have a setting to auto update. Server Updates are bit trickier but still doable with less user intervention.
Adminpsantosl (Admin, plasticscm) commented
We can use the blog so you'll see it in the "RSS" panel.
But yes, we can add an specific icon telling you there's a new version. The only "issue" is that you need to get the server upgraded (sometimes) so... But ok, we'll figure out something.