Add ability to color changesets by User
I know it's possible to have changesets colored by replication source as part of a DrBrEx, but would it be possible to add a Display Option to color changesets by User? It seems like it might be easy to add another filter for this.
I did try the "Conditional Format" options, but this seems like it might be for branches only.

This is available now in Labs: Plastic SCM!!
Paul Seabury commented
Nice! Thanks guys/gals.
Paul Seabury commented
I think JakubH summarized the most important use cases well. In situations where a single server is used, the color-by-replication-source feature is wasted. To satisfy both, you could have a simple toggle between color-by-user and color-by-source.
It's very powerful to see how the team is contributing to a tree without clicking on each (dozens, hundreds?) of changesets.
Hope This Helps!
JakubH commented
I should mention, that we use Plastic SCM as a centralized system now. That is why users matter more than replication sources (which is only one in our case).
JakubH commented
For me, this would be a great feature to differentiate my changesets easily. Similarly, I want to distinguish changesets which were commited by some automatic tool – our build system needs to check-in some files (regularly more or less). Sometimes, I want to highlight all changesets from one developer to quickly find all his/her changes.
Hi Paul, we're thinking to plan this to add this functionality, but we cannot see a practical example of it. Please, could you write here some examples to understand your needs?
Thanks in advance. -
Adminpsantosl (Admin, plasticscm) commented
Another very interesting idea indeed!! And it has 16 votes already! I'll try to get it done asap too.
Eyal Peleg commented
If I may offer to expand to idea to being able to apply a user selected color to change sets or branches. To prevent a "collision" with the Conditional Format it can be decided (or configured) such that conditional colors control border colors and user color control background color.