Create a native OSX Client
Currently the OSX client uses X11, is quirky, and sometimes crashes. Maybe we could use a native version of the OSX client!
Sign up for the native Mac client beta here:
psantosl commented
We're working on it at full speed.
What do you think about this?!
Mark Burvill commented
Oh God yes please! It would at least be good to know what the plan is for this.
Harald Lapp commented
The screenshots really looked amazing, but i was disappointed as soon as i saw the X-server popping up in the dock ... :-( ...
Tom Peters commented
I would love a native OSX UI which is a native OSX UI... meaning... it should look and feel like a Mac application, not a ported Windows application. I have full trust that this will happen :-)
Paul Seabury commented
See my current issue in the plastic community edition forums... I can't wait! :)
Adminpsantosl (Admin, plasticscm) commented
I dream, breath and wish this feature on a single day basis. It will be there. Promised.