Add an "Undo pending changes" option to the context menu on the Pending Changes list
Would be really nice to be able to just right-click on a file in the Item list view on the Pending Changes screen and select an option to "Undo pending changes" opposed to the way the system currently forces you to undo changes, which is to "check" the file(s) you want to undo changes for, and then click the "Undo changes" button on the toolbar.

This is available now in Plastic SCM
This view now includes a new context menu option to undo the selected changes. The behavior is the same as the "Undo changes" button, but considering only the selected items (and not the checked items).
Adminpsantosl (Admin, plasticscm) commented
Seems fair.
We got rid of this mechanism in 4.0 since we thought it was much clearer to have just one way to do things...
Get me 15 votes on this and I'll schedule it for next sprint :)