Auto Refresh Branch Explorer Option
An option to refresh the branch explorer automatically would be nice. Similar to Auto Refresh Pending Changelist Option.

Brian Cook commented
I completely agree it should auto-refresh when getting focus. As others have stated, how else do you know which changesets might have been added since the last time you checked? As for profoundly hating UIs that auto-refresh for eating up CPU, I profoundly hate having to constantly click the Refresh button and occasionally making errors when I forget to do so. I'll happily pay for the extra CPU cycles. If you make it an option, then you don't need to use auto-refresh if you don't like it.
As a case in point, it should auto-refresh after any Sync Repositories. My branch explorer views are always out-of-date after a sync and plastic obviously knows they are out of sync. Why won't it refresh?
Wolfram commented
@Codice Software: As you already included the (optional) auto-refresh for the Pending Changes view, there is now an inconsistency, where the Pending Changes automatically refresh, but the Branch Explorer does not. This is very confusing and leads to mistakes.
Anonymous commented
I expect an up-to-date view of the branch explorer. There are many developers checking in to the same project. So there are many merges and branches. This can be lead to mistakes and misunderstandings. There are also sometimes dependencies, so it is important to know if something is already checked in without pressing always unnecessary on refresh. A refresh on getting focus would be sufficient. Maybe as option like in pending changes view.
Anonymous commented
Sorry for using another account, but new posts will not be persisted for some reason.
Auto-refresh on getting focus would be perfect similar to pending changes view. So there should be no problem with the CPU.
Branch Explorer already autorefreshes each time you checkin (even when you undo, which is not correct).
To be honest, I profoundly hate GUIs which auto-refresh, they all end up eating up CPU when they should not. And that vision is certainly affecting the product :-)
Can you better explain why auto-refreshing is so important for you? I mean, what do you really expect? Check changes made by others on a centralized setup?