Customized menu and commands
One of the main advantages of PlasticSCM is in the number of steps required to accomplish a task. To leverage this further, I would suggest the following:
1. Allow the user to customize the order of commands in the right-click menu, or learn the ones he uses most and position it at the top.
2. Allow the user to add commands in the menu, either ones which are already supported in other contexts or NEW ones, customized by the user to perform/run a specific script (at the client or the server).
I think this will open up great possibilities beyond what PlasticSCM team can implement alone, and will fit more PlasticSCM users with their crazy ideas :).
We’re happy to inform you that Plastic SCM now supports adding custom menu entries for many of its views. This new entries will run a command related to the currently selected object. To find out how this works and its many possibilities, please go to the corresponding release notes page:
Thank you all for your great feedback and support!
Todd Alden commented
I would very much like the ability to do this to add to the right click menu for branches and changesets. One specific use case we have for this is the ability to start our peer review process (call a custom script) on a changeset in a task branch, or on the entire task branch.
Göran Wallgren commented
Great suggestion! When requesting additional commands in context menus, I get the impression that the Plastic team is hesitant to add more commands since many of the menus are already quite long.
One solution to that problem can be grouping more commands into sub-menus, but even that may become cluttered in the end. By allowing the user to customize which commands to show (and whether to show them in the root menu or in a submenu) the desired amount of (non-)clutter is left to the user. Out-of-the-box we could have a slimmed-down set of the most important commands, but power users with specific needs could easily adjust this to their liking by adding the commands they want.
Once again, take a peek at how TortoiseSVN does this. They have in their Settings a section called "Context Menu" with a scrollable list of available commands with a checkbox for each. Checked commands will be shown in the main context menu, the rest are pushed down into a generic "TortoiseSVN" submenu.