Allow setting a color for each label, changeset and branch
It would be a nice feature to allow setting a color for elements.
- set the label color red to mark it as "important".
- set the branch color to green to indicate that the branch is the "test branch"

Göran Wallgren commented
Branches can already be custom-colored via "Conditional format", based on attributes.
Since attributes can also be applied to labels, all that's needed (for consistency) is to extend the "conditional format" coloring feature to Labels as well!
Wolfram commented
We like to use labels for a lot of things ("ready for integration", "merged but task still open", "needs upstream cherrypick", "is internal baseline", "is customer release", ...). But without label colors these disctinctions are of little use in the branch explorer, as you'd have to click on each label (or try to read the lightgrey-on-white labeltext which is cut of after like 10 characters).
Marking labels with prefixes is therefore also not an option/solution, due to the length limit and light grey color.
EdDev commented
On branches you can already do that using attributes.
Regarding labels, you can use multiple labels, and mark it with a proper name (like: CRITICAL_Fix..) and look for CRITICAL in the search field.