Enable the Custom "Open With ..." options in the code review and changeset diff window
Currently the Custom options for "Open With ..." only work in the Workspace Explorer view. If I am performing a code review or changeset diff and there are new binary files in that changeset, then "External Diff" does not work (as there are no previous versions to diff with), so I'd like to be able to use my custom open on the binary file in order to view it. Note that my custom open requires some command line arguments, so selecting the app to open the file with is not enough.

Windows – Plastic: use custom applications to open files in Differences and Code review
In Plastic Preferences you configure custom “Open with…” options which then appear in the context menu for items in the Workspace explorer. We have now added the same options to the context menu in the diff and the Code review windows.
Mark Edmonds commented
Note there was this old idea, marked as "complete" from the past, but the context menu seems to have disappeared since then ... https://plasticscm.uservoice.com/forums/15467-general/suggestions/5125376-add-custom-open-with-context-menu-in-diff-changese