checkin progress bar
The checkin progress dialog just says 'In progess...' with a spinner before 'confirming checkin' starts (eg. when checking dependencies). It would nice if the progress covered all parts of the process since for ~7000 files nothing changes for ~15mins. The subsequent stages where there is a progress bar seem to be much faster (<1min).

Implemented in :-) Newest 5.4 also contain the change.
robl commented
Yes, network may the root cause but that is something outside of my control. A progress bar would still be useful whatever the cause of the delay.
The more changes to send to the server, the longer it takes, but if your network connection is not stable that could be the issue, then.
robl commented
I'm afraid it was too long ago to remember the details. I suspect it may be network or server trouble, since the time taken for operations is quite variable still (eg. switching to branch, update etc). How much should this depend on the number of changed files?
Luis Rodriguez commented
Hi, there, could you give us some feedback about this issue regarding the last queestions? I'd really like to understand why that checkin operation lasted too long. Were the 7000 files at the same level in the directory hierarchy?
Luis Rodriguez commented
I understand that it's not a typical case to checkin 7000 files, but in the first add in the repository; anyway this is a typical case that we check in performance.
If the server was too busy with other users then this could explain why this operation lasted that much. On the other hand, what does the trigger do? Maybe it could be the reason to slow down the operation, if it does some processing file by file (i.e.: checking that lines have less than 100 chars.). Then the operation may be affected by the script run in the trigger.
robl commented
They were just text/source files, I don't think there was anything special about them. Could the server have been too busy with other users? It is also possible our administrator has created a trigger that slows it down. I don't check in this number of files often enough to know what is typical.
Luis Rodriguez commented
First thing I wanted to ask you is, what kind of files are you checking in so that the checkin operation lasts about 15 minutes with just 7000 files? Our performance tests says that this operation should last much less than that, so we'd like to know if we have a performance problem there...
Then we'll see the update of the checkin progress. In that step data is being cached in the workspace tree, maybe we could do something to improve that.