clean only rebase differences
The 'clean differences' button on the compare window skips all diffs from merges. Sometimes you would only like to skip rebase merges and see the rest.

The “clean differences” functionality has been replaced for a much more powerful functionality: the improvement of the item merge tracking!
Check at
robl commented
You mean the new "Me" merge nodes in the list? In a particular example there are 21 merge nodes, of which 13 are rebases (with 100s of changed files) and the rest interesting. The whole tree is expanded by default so it is quite laborious to go through and close the rebase nodes. If I press the 'clean differences' button, I'm only left with 1 merge node: it has hidden the non-rebase merges which are interesting. It would still be useful to be able to hide/collapse all the rebase merges, or at least use a different coloured icon for these.