Allow git to clone from a plastic server
Currently, git-sync allows a plastic client to sync with git. However, it would be handy if git could clone a repository on a plastic server. THis wqould allow integration with products that integrate with git (such as FishEye).
Murray Wilson commented
Team working on it on Jan 2016... Not an easy one since, like all the import/sync stuff, it is super hard to make stable enough.
Murray Wilson commented
I can't wait for this to land in a plasticscm release!
Started, we're almost there:
Anonymous commented
Can this be prioritized? Our web department need it for NetBeans IDE and also for Bower, when the server can speak git, it will make it compatible with all kinds of tools!
psantosl commented
Yes, that's something we've in mind. In fact we almost have all the pieces because mostly everything we need is there with GitSync.
It is just a matter of a small wrapper on the Plastic server to invoke the code we already have to create the packs in git format...
We just didn't have the time :-(