Add syntax highlights when using merge and diff windows
When differing or merging code, would be great if we could have some syntax highlights to other languages like C#, Java.
Add syntax highlight like Visual Studio to .cshtml, .css, .js and etc.
Something like notepad++ does.

We made a huge change in the texteditor and now all sort of syntax highlights are supported. Anything after (BL680 (and earlier too, but just a hint)) will do
Mariusz Schimke commented
Please include VB.NET syntax highlighting.
The main issue we have is that we need to do some important refactor on our texteditor in order to be able to seamlessly support better highlighting.
We're facing the same thing in Semantic for Mac, so once we figure out a good solution we'll apply it to Plastic too.
Kent Miller commented
I'd like to see Delphi added to that list. I think there is Notepad++ support for that (at least google found one) - So, maybe using that for the code base for all the languages would be a good idea (as others have pointed out)
Jordan Pickwell commented
Are you referring to the tag file generator? If so, how would you use it for syntax highlighting?
Adminpsantosl (Admin, plasticscm) commented
My latest idea here is to add "ctag" support. Simple and able to support all languages out there. Thoughts?
Plácido Monteiro Dinelli Bisneto commented
Maybe you could use the syntax highlight used by SharpDevelop. uses WPF, but the older version can still be used.
Plácido Monteiro Dinelli Bisneto commented
Sorry taking too long for the reply...
@psantosl: I don't have a preferred editor component for this. I mean, I love the VS Editor, but I guess it's out of question... I know it's a suggar tasty, but, personally as "integrator" I do a lot of merging with JS and CSS files and it much more easy to do it with syntax highlight. I guess that implement your own highlight is too much work. Inside the VS, when differing, are you able to use VS color schemes?
Jordan Pickwell commented
Notepad++ uses Scintilla which is OSS.
Adminpsantosl (Admin, plasticscm) commented
I was going to ask which is your preferred editor component. We're currently implementing our own but maybe we should migrate to a different one, already supporting highlight. Ideas?
Anonymous commented
perhaps you could use the parser of notePad++ hah, that way we would'nt have to write out own highlighting files as we wish to have CFML syntax highlighting which is not exactly going to be high on the list of formats to support.