Create a master conditional format that can be pushed from the server to all users
Each user in our organization has to set up their own conditional format rules. We would like it if there was a way to set this up once, and push it to all of the other users. done!
SWSBB commented
Well done!
Göran Wallgren commented
This was implemented in Beta
Branch Explorer global configuration: Now the Branch Explorer can be globally configured for all users adding a branchexplorer.conf file in the "global configuration files repository" (plastic-global-config) under the "allrepos" directory....
This feature closes the UserVoice request "Create a master conditional format that can be pushed from the server to all users".
Consider this as a duplicate of this one.
SWSBB commented
Best way would be if the config files, which are located in %localappdata% right now, could be extended through workspace config files, just like the ignore.conf already is.
+ some others maybe. -
JakubH commented
This would be great for branch layout too. We have one logic branch order in a Branch Explorer and it would be really useful if we can share it. Conditional format can be distributed once, but the re-layout data are growing as new branches with special position are created. It would be great if there was a conditional layout, but that is already beyond this suggestion.