diff rebased branch
The 'Diff branch' option compares the latest changeset on a branch to the branch's creation point. If the branch has been rebased, this includes lots of unrelated changes. I really only want to see changes made directly on the branch (code edits), or changes due to merging in an unrelated 3rd branch. It is quite awkward to navigate branch explorer to select the appropriate changesets to compare, but this does give the desired result. 'Branch properties' is aware of rebases (cf. plain merges).
Could you either update 'Diff branch' to take account of rebases, or provide another convenience option. A similar 'cm diffbranch' option would be useful.
Please take a look to the new 4.2 or 5.0 versions. There you can see that the diff window has a “clean differences” button that does exactly what you are looking for.
Göran Wallgren commented
Has this been removed again? I don't see that button in 5.4.16.
robl commented
Is there also a command line equivalent?