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  1. There's currently no way (at least that I could figure out) of using an "advanced" search.

    You can easily search by user by typing the user name and adding "@" at the end.
    You can search by comment by just typing free text.

    However there's no way to combine the two.

    Past a certain team size and number of changesets, it makes searching really hard to use.

    I would expect:
    * "user@" to find all changes by "user"
    * "feature" to find all changes containing "feature" in their comment
    * "user@ feature" to find all the changes by "user" that…

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  2. We have had multiple issues of users doing a Checkin believing that the files they changed were in the latest state written on disk, but actually Plastic seems to store its own version of the file in the state that it was at the last Refresh.
    Could it be possible to use the value of files written on disk when performing the Checkin? Or at least provide an option to do so?

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  3. Currently when we check files for selection for a Checkin in Pending Changes, if we restart PlasticSCM the selection is reset to every changed files + added files.
    This is misleading and often result in having unwanted files in the next Checkin.
    Is it possible to keep the user selection even after closing PlasticSCM?

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  4. It looks that currently MergeTo operation is ignoring --mergetype parameter. If only automatic merge of changes from both source and destination is possible Plastic is doing it.

    It would be good to have a chance to explicitly show that changes only on one side are allowed and exit with failure if there are some also at the other.

    Additionaly for now it is not possible to give comment which will be used for check-in operation after successful mergeTo.

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    On the release, we added the new server-side merge that extends the existing merge-to functionality.

    Using the server-side merge, the file conflicts can be resolved and the merge resolution options (—mergetype, —keepsource & —keepdestination) are supported.

    The server-side merge is still on preview so you need to enable it adding the following setting on the client.conf. Check how to do it on the release notes:

    Remarks, the server and client version must be equal or newer than to use the server-side merge.

    We comment option will be documented soon, we already plan a task to do it in the next few weeks. Sorry for the delay.

    Best regards


  5. For those relying on external projects or SDKs, an ability to simply point to a public git/svn/etc repository would be great if you simply had to specify a label/release. That way, external dependencies can be handled by the xlink feature.

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  6. I just checked out the latest feature: showing merge information in branch diff. Very nice ;)
    One little improvement would be a “collapse all” button, as my branch is kind of old and shows a lot of merges.

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  7. Currently the tool-tip shows the workspace path. All my workspaces are in a common directory so this isn't very useful to me. Knowing what branch it selects before switching to it would be.

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  8. Usually I would not like to group changes from a merge (rebase) with those from editing files (development). I would like to be prevented from making this mistake and checking it in before realising.

    There is already a similar option when switching/updating the workspace: "Do not allow, show an error". Could it be extended to cover merges, or a new option added?

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  9. Today configuration data (include filtering) is global for Plastic. It will be great if it was different for each workspace (that will allow use different filtering configs for each repository).

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  10. We are missing a two-way coupling between Plastic and the issue tracker (in our case Trac). If we have setup a Plastic WebUI, it would be nice if the Plastic issue tracker extension could add a WebUI hyperlink to the ticket comments when we create a branch from a ticket.

    This should be doable for Trac at least, since the extension already adds a comment to the ticket when "Mark as open in issue tracker" is checked during branch creation?

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  11. Display a "+" or similar at left/right end of branch in Branch Explorer, when it has been truncated by the date-filter.

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  12. This would be very useful for learning and experimenting with the query syntax, and for quickly adding/adjusting a query without having to remember syntax.

    It should be possible to build the query by selecting the different targets etc and adding/removing/editing filter specifications. The resulting query text should be displayed.

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  13. When right-clicking a Private Ignored item, the "Add to source control" action is shown but disabled (grayed out). That's frustrating as there is no real reason to disallow this!

    Scenario: You have ignored all *.dll files, since you build them. However, there is a specific 3rdparty DLL that you would like to make Controlled (put under source control). To do this, you would now have to edit ignored.conf, "Add the file to source control", then undo your changes in ignored.conf. If the above command was not disabled for ignored items it would have been one click in the context menu,…

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  14. If the focus is in the treeview of the changed files and the mouse is over that part, scrolling with the mouse wheel scrolls only this part. But if the mouse is over Content part (lower part), both parts are scrolled, where only the Content part should be scrolled.

    If the focus is at the lower part, only this is scrolled if the mouse is over it. If the mouse is over the tree part nothing will be scrolled.

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  15. This require a list of deleted files (that can be filtered).

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  16. I noticed that the predefined open with context menu options are available in Items view, in the Pending changes view, but not in the diff viewer window. Would you consider a unification here? IMO these predefined open with options would be useful in the diff viewer window as well.

    The second difference is that both in the Items view and in the Pending changes view there is an action for double LMB click, but there is no adequate action supported in the diff viewer. Would you consider a unification with the Pending changes view here as well?

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  17. think of a C compiler for an embedded target that has some special keywords that lead to parsing errors

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  18. Keep Mine vs Keep Theirs... as the guy doing the reviews it would be nice if I could see the branch names for "mine" and "theirs"

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  19. We are also interested in the feature that is described here

    But linking only single files would be sufficient.

    Is it up-to-date that it will not be implemented?

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  20. Spell checking should suggest corrections via the context menu and not only underline mistakes. Many people may be fine with the visual hint, but there are quite a lot of developers who have trouble with spelling, especially in foreign languages, and would benefit from corrections.

    As an aside, I would also welcome a Grammarly plugin like in Microsoft Word or browsers nowadays.

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