50 search results
Jenkins PlasticSCM Plugin update to support pipelines · completed
Make PlasticSCM Support more than 1000 users when using Active Directory authentifaciton
Improve performance of LDAP/AD mapping from SID to uid (or even real name)
Jira Next-Gen project integration
Ability to purge specific files
Ability to select default branch
Treat multiple words in the "Search files" box as two elements that should be in the filename (Gluon)
User defined graphs
Different Branch Explorer filter config for each workspace
Terminally slow performance on large files due to single threaded operation, UI updates · declined
Allow the user to cancel or stop the Sync process
Add "Cleanup workspace" command in Items view and Shell extension. · declined
Indicate out of data repos in Sync Replication view
scan only needed files in pending changes · completed
Push changeset data to proxy servers after commit
Branch rules/repositiry rules
Enable branches to inherit permissions from parent branches
Add option to always show active branch
Conclusive documention in `cm find -?` · completed
Auto-comment fields values in pending changes shall be refreshed after clicking refresh · completed